John F. McCarthy

Central Coast Employment Attorney- John McCarthy

Hey there! I’m John, and I’m an employment lawyer with a deep love for California’s Central Coast. Growing up here, I’ve always felt a strong sense of community and a passion for helping people. My journey in the legal field has taken me from our beautiful region to bustling San Diego and back again, always with the goal of making a real difference in the lives of those I represent.

From a young age, my family taught me the importance of hard work, integrity, and compassion. We enjoyed the stunning scenery, rich agricultural heritage, and close-knit communities that make the Central Coast so special. These early experiences laid the foundation for my career, where I strive to uphold these values every day.

After finishing school, I started my legal career right here on the Central Coast, focusing on employment defense work for large agricultural companies. This was invaluable, giving me a deep understanding of the decisions employers face. But it also focused my eyes on the struggles of employees, rekindling a desire to advocate for workers’ rights.

Eager for new challenges, I moved to San Diego and started my own practice. It was a bold move, but one that allowed me to pursue my true passion: helping people who have been screwed including representing employees facing workplace injustice. Over the years, I built a national reputation as a dedicated advocate for whistleblowers and victims of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, and wage theft.

One of the most rewarding parts of my work is helping whistleblowers. These brave individuals take significant risks to expose wrongdoing and need strong legal support to navigate the often intimidating process. My dedication to these cases earned me national recognition, and I’m proud to have made a difference for so many courageous clients.

Harassment and discrimination cases are also very close to my heart. I’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact these behaviors can have on individuals and their families. Whether it’s sexual harassment, disability discrimination, age discrimination, racial discrimination, or any other form of unfair treatment, I am committed to standing up for those who have been wronged, providing not just legal representation, but also a sense of hope and empowerment.

Retaliation and wrongful termination are areas where I spend a lot of time and effort. It’s tragic to see someone lose their job simply for standing up for their rights or reporting unethical practices. I work tirelessly to ensure my clients receive the justice they deserve and that their voices are heard.

Wage theft is another critical issue I tackle. Too often, employees are deprived of their hard-earned wages through illegal practices. I take these cases very seriously because everyone deserves fair compensation for their work. Fighting against wage theft is about more than just recovering lost wages; it’s about restoring dignity and fairness to the workplace.

Despite the rewarding career I had built in San Diego, my wife and I always felt a strong pull back to the Central Coast. When we started our family, we knew it was time to return to our roots. Moving back to the Central Coast was one of the best decisions we made. It allowed us to raise our family in the same supportive and nurturing environment that shaped us.

Returning home also reinvigorated my commitment to the local community. I’m passionate about using my skills and experience to make a positive impact here. Whether through pro bono work, community outreach, or simply being an accessible and reliable resource for local employees, I strive to give back to the community that has given me so much.

My approach to practicing law is centered on compassion, empathy and the relentless pursuit of justice for those who have been wronged. I understand that dealing with workplace issues can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. That’s why I aim to be more than just a lawyer to my clients—I want to be a trusted advisor and a source of support. I believe in listening carefully, understanding each client’s unique situation, and tailoring my approach to meet their specific needs.

I also believe in maintaining open and honest communication throughout the legal process. It’s important to me that my clients feel informed and empowered to make decisions about their cases. I take the time to explain the legal options, potential outcomes, and steps involved, ensuring my clients are comfortable and confident moving forward.

In addition to my legal practice, I’m deeply involved in community activities and local organizations. Giving back to the community is a core value for me, and I enjoy participating in initiatives that support local causes, promote justice, and enhance the quality of life for residents of the Central Coast.

If you find yourself facing workplace injustices, please know that you are not alone. Navigating employment laws can be daunting, but with the right support and guidance, you can achieve justice and find a path forward. I’m here to stand by your side, fight for your rights, and help you reclaim your dignity and peace of mind.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit about my journey and my practice. If you or someone you know needs help with an employment-related issue, please don’t hesitate to get your free case-evaluation. Together, we can work towards a fair and just resolution, making our community a better place for everyone.

    • Palma School

    • UC Davis

    • Thomas Jefferson School of Law

    • Pepperdine Caruso School of Law

    • California

    • 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

    • California Northern District

    • California Eastern District

    • California Southern District

    • Wisconsin

    • Monterey County Bar Association

    • California Employment Lawyers Association

    • Consumer Attorneys of California

    • Trials

    • Denial of FMLA / CFRA

    • Harassment

    • Discrimination

    • Retaliation

    • Wrongful Termination

    • Unpaid Wages

If you’re wondering whether or not you have a case, fill out the fast, free, confidential case evaluation form below. It goes straight to my inbox. I make it a point to review and respond to every case evaluation on the same business day. If I think we can help, I’ll reach out to schedule a free consultation. If I don’t think we can help, I’ll tell you why, provide you resources to help you understand the law, find an attorney who might be willing to represent you, and even point you toward self-help resources. What do you have to lose?